Office Address: 

First floor Shiva Tyre , Jeypore , Koraput

Email Address:


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System Design

We are completely System Design

sr 1 2 1

Solar Pannel Install

We are completely Solar Pannel Install

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We are Proper Maintenance Our Project

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All Technical Support and Documentation Requied

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We are Installation of all electrical components along with solar Equipment

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Latest Technoloy

Our product and service work with latest Technology .


Helpful Faq’s

Yes, despite the removal of Government Feed-in Tariff, installs have been forecast to continue at the current rate and even increase in 2023.

Yes, despite the removal of Government Feed-in Tariff, installs have been forecast to continue at the current rate and even increase in 2023.

Yes, despite the removal of Government Feed-in Tariff, installs have been forecast to continue at the current rate and even increase in 2023.

Yes, despite the removal of Government Feed-in Tariff, installs have been forecast to continue at the current rate and even increase in 2023.

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